This week

I have corrected oblig 1 for everyone. Those who you who did not pass will get a second attempt, with deadline thursday 25. march at 1430 (I will shortly open for this in canvas). I will also be available in a zoom session for questions in this regard, probably at tuesday 23. march from 1415 to 1600 (at the time of tuesday's lecture, which probably will be a recording). When everyone have handed in their second attempts, I will post a solution to oblig 1, where I will comment on some of the errors in the deliveries.

Tomorrow's lecture has already been posted in the "timeplan" as a recording. Thursday's exercise session will probably be recorded live in the auditorium (if I am allowed). Nevertheless, a recording will be posted. 


Publisert 15. mars 2021 15:32 - Sist endret 15. mars 2021 15:32