About the exam
Before the exam, please read the guidelines from the department. Here is a short summary:
- Update 25.11: It's a 4 hour home exam. The exam is the same for MAT3110 and MAT4110. The exam consists of 14 problems, each of which can give between 5 and 10 points.
- Update 26.11: I will be available for questions on Zoom for the entire duration of the exam. I will only let one person in at a time, so don't join the room unless you have a question! You can find the Zoom meeting on the course page in Canvas (it's called "Tr?sterunde MAT3110/4110").
- The exam is published in Inspera, and you hand in by scanning/photographing your handwriting and submitting to Inspera as a single PDF file. You will have an extra 30 minutes to do so.
You may use your preferred tool to generate a single PDF. For instance, you may write in Word/LaTeX, write on a tablet, or use Office Lens to take pictures of hand written notes. Some alternatives are described in more detail on this web page.
Regardless of the way you choose to generate your submission as a single PDF, it is your responsibility to double check that the PDF is uploaded properly, and is readable after downloading it. - All written aids, as well as computer software, are allowed. You are not allowed to communicate with anyone else, in any form whatsoever.
- If we suspect that a student may have cheated by communicating with someone, we may call that student in for an oral hearing.
Students who do not have a proper place to sit and work during the home exam(s) will have the opportunity to reserve space at Blindern during the scheduled time for the exam(s). Note that this is not a part of the usual offer for students with special needs at UiO, and students with need of special facilitation during the exam will have to apply as usual.
For exams at the Department of Mathematics there are two different alternatives:-
Reserve space at the library (three days before the exam, at the earliest)
Apply for space in the class rooms in Niels Henrik Abels hus. The latter is only a possibility at the Department of Mathematics, and there are a limit number of seats available. The principle ?first come first served? will be followed.
Earlier exams
Here are some relevant problems from earlier exams:
- MAT3110 2018: Problem 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 (not the part on Gauss–Newton)
- MAT3110 2019: Problem 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
- MA2500 2014: Problem 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 (solution here)
- MA2500 2016: Problem 1a, 5, 6 (solution here)
- MA2500 2015: Problem 1, 6