More important information!

Dear all,

The lecture times have changed in order to enable as many students at a time as possible. The new lecture times are:

  • Wednesdays 10:15–12:00, starting 19 August
  • Thursdays 10:15–12:00, starting 20 August.

The lecture rooms are Georg Sverdrups hus aud. 1 and Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus aud. 1, respectively (but please consult the course schedule in case of changes). These rooms are big enough to host all of you at once. Lectures will still be both recorded and broadcast live on Zoom; you will find the Zoom link in Canvas.

Guest students (students who are not registered for the course but attend lectures): Please register your attendance in this form.

In addition, Vegard Antun will offer tutorials ("gruppetimer"), to begin with both on Tuesday 12:15–14:00 and Wednesday 08:15–10:00, but this will quickly be reduced to one tutorial per week. Tutorials start on Tuesday 25 August.

See you all on Wednesday 19 August!

Best regards,

Published Aug. 14, 2020 12:12 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2020 1:58 PM