Semesterside for MAT3110 - H?st 2023


Here is a link to the second exam with solution suggestions. Unfortunately there were to errors in the formulations of problems 5 and 7 (see above link for details). Due to this, I have decided to exclude the answers of these problems from the grading in all cases where the candidates did not profit from inclusion (and then rescale the score accordingly). The exam score, lying between 0 and 100, is computed as follows:

score = max{ (sum score all problems) ,   (sum score problems 1,2,3,4,6,7) / 0.9, (sum score problems 1,2,3,4,5,6)/0.85,  (sum score problems 1,2,3,4,6)/0.75 }    

20. jan. 2024 10:58

Here is a link to this year's exam on December 6 with solution suggestions.

6. des. 2023 19:57

Sheet with formulas that will be given at the exam can be downloaded from this link. And here is the exam-relevant curriculum for this course: 

  • SM 1.1-1.4 iterative methods for scalar problems
  •  SM 2.1-2.7 and 2.9 solutions of linear systems of equations
  •  SM 3.2-3.3 efficient solution methods for matrices with structure
  •  SM 4.1-4.3 iterative methods for nonlinear systems of equations
  • Lecture notes on numerical methods for eigenvalues and eigenvectors (excluding QR iteration)
  • SM 6.2-6.5 Lagrange and Hermite interpolation
  • SM 7.2-7.7 Newton-Cotes methods for numerical integration and extrapolation methods
  • SM 8.2-8.5 Polynomial approximations in the infinity-norm
  • SM 9.2-9.4 Polynomial approximations in the 2-norm...
14. nov. 2023 16:30