Hello and welcome to MAT3250 - Discrete Mathematics. A few points about the course:
- We will use Martin Aigner's Discrete Mathematics as a textbook. I have posted a preliminary syllabus with a list of sections covered. This will probably change at some point and I will post a final version once lectures are done.
- Lectures with me on Monday and Tuesday, "problem sessions" with Anne Brug?rd on Wednesday.
- I will post practice problems for the topics covered at the start of each week. These will all be in the link above, to be updated each week.
- I plan to upload scanned copies of my lecture notes to the folder Lecture notes. I will also add links to these from the Schedule page.
- There is one mandatory assignment in the course, to be submitted via Canvas, with submission deadline 13 March. The assignment will be posted here at least two weeks before that date.
- The final exam is a 4 hours written exam 11 June.
Publisert 20. jan. 2025 09:22
- Sist endret 11. feb. 2025 14:57