Updated syllabus and exam

I have updated the syllabus to include Chapters 1-10 and 17. Although you need to be familiar with all the material in these chapters, you should use the lecture notes as a guide to select the parts that will be most important for the exam.

The exam this year will be a written home exam, similar to the compulsory assignment. The grade will be pass/fail. The exam will be published in Inspera on Fri June 12 (09:00), and must be submitted as one PDF file in Inspera on Fri June 19 (09:00). This can be scanned handwritten notes, or a text written in a typesetting program (Word, Latex, etc.) that is converted to a PDF file. If using Word, remember to anonymize as described in the guide 


Furthermore, you are not supposed to write the candidate number and subject code on the hand-in. This comes on automatically when you submit it in Inspera.

Publisert 13. mai 2020 15:54 - Sist endret 18. mai 2020 14:08