
Publisert 5. mars 2025 18:05

Den er n? lagt ut under ressurser.

Publisert 7. feb. 2025 13:44

Innleveringsfrist for obligatorisk oppgave er satt til 20. mars. Oppgaven vil bli lagt ut 2 uker f?r det.

Oppgaven vil best? av 6 til 10 av ukesoppgavene som allerede har blitt gitt (se planen). Jeg h?per dette vil oppmuntre til ? gj?re ukesoppgavene og g? p? gruppetimene, p? regelmessig basis.

Obligatorisk oppgave er f?rst og fremst en anledning til ? f? tilbakemelding (fra gruppel?rer) p? hvordan oppgavene blir f?rt.

Publisert 22. jan. 2025 18:20

I will post pictures of what I have written on the blackboard during lectures, under resources.

Publisert 21. jan. 2025 11:41

I have posted a tentative semester plan. Numbers for each lecture correspond to book chapters. As you can see there will be one lecture per chapter up to (and including) chapter 6. Then we switch to two lectures per chapter. As you can see with this progression there is no time for chapter 13. We will see how it goes.

Publisert 16. jan. 2025 17:33

Welcome to MAT3440.

Curriculum will be approximately as in spring 2024, except I will lecture from chapter 13 instead of 15.

There will be exercise sessions every other wednesday, at the same time and place as the lectures are scheduled.

Background in linear algebra: Most of chapter 5 will be assumed known. Furthermore the definition of an abstract vector space (over the real numbers) as well as the definition of a norm will be used without further ado.