Curriculum for MAT4230 Fall 2018

From "Introduction to Schemes":

Ch. 11

Definition of the cotangent module/sheaf

Regular schemes

The cotangent sheaf of P^n

Exact sequences and computations involving Omega_X

Normal bundle and the adjunction formula


Ch. 14

Weil divisors

Cartier divisors

Invertible sheaves

How to convert between these types, and when they are equivalent

Computations of Pic, Cl,..

Linear systems

Important examples: Pn, P1xP1, quadratic cone


Ch. 16

Correspondence between sections of invertible sheaves and morphisms to projective space

Automorphisms of Pn

Projective embeddings


Ch. 17

Ample invertible sheaves

Serre's theorems


Ch. 18

p_a,p_g, chi(O_X)

Canonical divisor of a curve

Morphisms and divisors on curves

Hyperelliptic curves


Ch. 19

The Riemann-Roch theorem and Serre duality

Proof of Riemann-Roch assuming Serre duality


Ch. 20

Basepoint freeness and very ampleness criteria

Curves on a quadric surface

Curves of genus 0, 1, 2, 3, 4


From JVRs notes:


Riemann surfaces (naively)

The relation between the topological and algebraic genus



The Riemann-Hurwitz formula


Classifying hyperelliptic curves via ramification points

Classifying genus 1 curves via the j-invariant

Classifying genus 2 curves


Definition of a moduli functor

Definition of scheme representing a moduli functor


The Grassmannian

The Hilbert scheme

The functor F_g of curves


Algebraic groups, definition and examples (finite groups, GL_n)

Action of an algebraic group on a scheme, definition and examples

Definition of a categorical quotient


The non-representability of F_g

Coarse moduli space, definition

The existence theorem for M_g, without proof

Published Dec. 12, 2018 2:27 PM - Last modified Dec. 12, 2018 2:31 PM