
Published Nov. 25, 2020 8:25 AM
Published Oct. 27, 2020 3:49 PM

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Published Oct. 1, 2020 7:42 AM

7.10.  Nikolai:  Sheaves of differentials

14.10: Martin:  Curves on P1xP1

21.10: Edvard: Serre duality on curves

28.10: Jon-Magnus:  Linear systems of conics

13.10:  Torger Olson:  Serre duality on curves (on zoom)

Kristian R

Published Oct. 1, 2020 7:37 AM

in the course this fall are

Nikolai Thode Opdan and Jon-Magnus Rosenblad.

Kristian R



Published Sep. 23, 2020 11:50 AM

II.20 1-3 (in [B] ) will be discussed next week.


Also, I recommend R. Vakils notes

as supplementary reading in the course.


Kristian R

Published Sep. 11, 2020 10:19 AM

The exercise V.1.4 in Hartshornes book (lines on a surface in P3) will be discussed next week.


In stead of a compulsory problem set to be handed in, I ask each student to give a 20 min presentation of a topic during a lecture.

Here is a start on a list of topics for compulsory presentation:

-The sheaf of differentials on a variety, and on a subvariety.

-Serre duality on a smooth curve

-Curves on P1xP1

-Linear systems of conics in the plane, and the maps that they define (describe fibers and image)


to be extended..


Kristian R



Published Aug. 27, 2020 9:20 AM

Sept 1-2 Linear systems on curves  (EO  17.4, 20.1, 20.3, 20.4)

Sept 8-9 Picard group and RR for surfaces (B ch 1)

Sept 15-16  Birational maps (B ch 2)


approximately one chapter in B each week until ch 10.

There may be some interruptions, I plan for student presentations as compulsory exercises.


Kristian R


Published Aug. 20, 2020 1:59 PM

Allthough Beauvilles book will contain the major part of the material for the course, I will use some material from Hartshornes book, but probably even more from the "Introduction to Schemes" by Ellingsrud and Ottem (EO).

In my first couple of weeks I will cover material from EO:

12.3 Linear systems + 15.1-2 Morphisms to projective space

15.6 Serre's theorems and Euler characteristic

17. 1-4 Curves  + 19.1   (Easy) Riemann Roch for curves


Kristian R



Published Aug. 5, 2020 3:34 PM

Emnet dette semesteret vil dreie seg om komplekse algebraiske flater, klassifikasjon og eksempler.  Som en oppvarming vil jeg begynne med kurver.  Presentasjon og resultater vil i hovedsak hentes fra Beauvilles bok "Complex algebraic surfaces" (original fransk utgave) og Hartshornes bok "Algebraic geometry".  


F?rste forelesning er tirsdag 25. august, vel m?tt!


Kristian R