Welcome to MAT4250!
The text we shall be using is the book: "Algebraic Number Fields" by Gerald J. Janusz; Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume 7.
In principle I will follow the text rather closely, but surely in my own way. I am also open for suggestions from you, and of course, if there is some background stuff that most of you need to refresh, we will see to that in one way or another.
We certainly will need some Galois-theory which is not covered in the book, and I guess we will use some time on refreshing that though ot at the beginning of the course. I nice text about Galois theory is J.S. Milne's "Fields and Galois theory":
Publisert 12. aug. 2013 09:10
- Sist endret 12. aug. 2013 09:15