Here is a suggested solution to the final exam.
God jul! Nadia
I have posted a couple more additional exercises. Look in the teaching plan under the timetable for Friday, December 3.
Friday, December 3, from 10.15-12 there will be an "orakel" session in seminar room 313 in Vilhelm Bjerknes Building.
I have made small revisions to the notes on Fourier series, and I have posted a new version of the pdf-file.
In the detailed teaching plan you will find a link to lecture notes on Fourier series (pdf-file), and a link to a second set of additional exercises (pdf-file).
I have compiled a list of additional exercises.
The mandatory assignment has been posted. Look under "Mandatory assignments" on the course homepage.
FieldsmedaljevinnerCedric Villani gir torsdag 30. september fra 12.15 til 13.00 et popul?rvitenskapelig foredrag om Ludvig Bolzmanns ideer i Sophus Lies auditorium.
Se for ?vrig: Public lecture in Mathematics By Fields Medal Laureate Cedric Villani
I have written some more details to the proof of Lemma 1.30, see the attached note.