About the book on measure and integration theory

I asked at Akademika bookstore when they expect to receive more copies of the book by McDonald and Weiss. They could not give a precise date, but it is clear that more copies have been ordered.

Regarding problems for next week, if you do not have the book you can get a copy of the text of the problems at the lecture tomorrow, Thursday August 21. If you cannot attend the lecture but would like to have access to the text of the problems, please send me an e-mail at nadiasl"at"math.uio.no and I'll try to find alternatives.

Finally, as a general comment, I intend to follow the book by McDonald and Weiss closely. It is a well written book, and definitions, examples, proofs, etc, are well presented and appear with generous details. At the lectures I will sometimes present just the main ideas and steps in proofs, and refer to the book for the full details. Occasionally I will present slightly shorter or a bit different proofs.


Publisert 20. aug. 2014 16:43