The exam will take place in room 1020 in the Nields Henrik Abel building.
Here is the list of questions for the oral exam.
The mandatory assignment (with corrected title and problem 1) can be found from this link.
The exam in this course will be an oral exam on 16 December. This decision is based on the incoming answers to the poll. More details about the exam questions and presentation of answers will be given closer to the final lecture (on 23 November).
The student representative (tillitsvalgt) for this course is Alexander G. Ravnanger, email address alexarav"at"
Note: an email was sent out to all students registered in this course with a question regarding preference for exam form and date. Please answer the email no later than 30 September.
There will be one mandatory assignment in this course. The text of the assignment will be posted at the latest 10 October, and the deadline for (online) delivery of the solution will be 27 October at 14:30.
Velkommen til f?rste forelesning i dette kurset. Vi kommer prim?rt til ? f?lge boken "A course in Real Analysis, 2nd edition" av John N. McDonald og Neil A. Weiss. Pensum vil bli tatt fra kapittlene: 1.4, 6, 7.1-7.3, 9.1-9.5, 12.1-12.3, 13.4-13.6,14.1-14.2 og eventuelt 15.1-15.3, hvis det blir tid.
I starten f?lger vi kapittel 8.7-8.8 i boken "Spaces" av Tom Lindstr?m, hvor notasjonen er kjent fra kurset MAT3400/4400. Denne er tilgjengelig som ebok.
En alternativ kilde, ogs? ebok, er denne:
Welcome to this course! We will primarily follow the book "A course in real analysis, 2nd edition" by John N. McDonald and Neil A. Weiss. We will cover material from the following chapters: 1.4, 6, 7.1-7.3, 9.1-9.5, 12.1-12.3, 13.4-13.6,14.1-14.2 and possibly 15.1-15.3, if time permits.
In the beginning we follow chapters 8.7-8.8 in the book "Spaces" by Tom Lindstr?m (available as ebook)....