Messages - Page 2

Published Aug. 30, 2020 5:40 PM

Hi All, 

My son has caught something that is hopefully just a cold, but to be sure he is taking a corona test. Therefore I will stay home until the result comes back, and I cannot go to the university tomorrow. I will send a link to a Zoom meeting tomorrow morning, scheduled at the standard time. 

My plan is to lecture on parts of the material live on Zoom, and then post a pre-recorded screen cast of the rest on the web page. That way can discuss later what works best; pre-recorded or live. 




Published Aug. 27, 2020 7:14 PM

Hi all, 

Unfortunately there is no screen cast from todays lecture. The IT system did not work properly in GS1, so I had to give the class using the black boards. Let's hope everything is fixed next week. 





Published Aug. 21, 2020 2:25 PM

Hi all, 

On the upcoming Monday we will have the first lecture for the course MAT3500/4500, and I am happy that we will be able to meet "live". Note however that we recently changed the lecture rooms, in order to have room for everyone, fulfilling the current rules. 

Topological spaces are generalizations of so called metric spaces that most of us have encountered in MAT2400. I will therefore start the course with a brief recollection of metrics spaces, so I recommend that all of you review the topic before the first lecture. 
