Message from the administration: reservation of space during the exam

Possibility for reservation of space for the home exam.

Students who do not have a proper place to sit and work during the home exam(s) will have the opportunity to reserve space at Blindern during the scheduled time for the exam(s). For exams at the Department of Mathematics there are two different alternatives.

- Reserve space at the library (three days before the exam, at the earliest):

- Apply for space in the class rooms in Niels Henrik Abels hus:

The latter is only a possibility at the Department of Mathematics, and there are a limit number of seats available. The principle ?whoever applies first gets an offer first? will be followed. We remark that this is not a part of the usual facilitation for students with needs at UiO, and students with need of special facilitation during the exam will have to apply as usual: /studier/eksamen/tilrettelegging/

Published Nov. 13, 2020 3:14 PM - Last modified Feb. 27, 2023 2:48 PM