Exam syllabus

For the written examination you are expected to have studied the following sections of Munkres' "Topology".  This list is now final.

  • Section 1: Fundamental Concepts
  • Section 2: Functions
  • Section 3: Relations
  • Section 4: The Integers and the Real Numbers
  • Section 5: Cartesian Products
  • Section 6: Finite Sets
  • Section 7: Countable and Uncountable Sets
  • Section 12: Topological Spaces
  • Section 13: Basis for a Topology
  • Section 15: The Product Topology on X x Y
  • Section 16: The Subspace Topology
  • Section 17: Closed Sets and Limit Points
  • Section 18: Continuous Functions
  • Section 19: The Product Topology [omit the box topology]
  • Section 20: The Metric Topology
  • Section 21: The Metric Topology (continued)
  • Section 22: The Quotient Topology
  • Section 23: Connected Spaces
  • Section 24: Connected Subspaces of the Real Line
  • Section 25: Components and Local Connectedness
  • Section 26: Compact Spaces
  • Section 27: Compact Subspaces of the Real Line
  • Section 28: Limit Point Compactness
  • Section 29: Local Compactness
  • Section 30: The Countability Axioms
  • Section 31: The Separation Axioms
  • Section 32: Normal Spaces
  • Section 33: The Urysohn Lemma
  • Section 34: The Urysohn Metrization Theorem
  • Section 35: The Tietze Extension Theorem [proof omitted]
  • Section 36: Imbeddings of Manifolds
  • Section 37: The Tychonoff Theorem [proof omitted]
  • Section 51: Homotopy of Paths
  • Section 52: The Fundamental Group
  • Section 53: Covering Spaces
  • Section 54: The Fundamental Group of the Circle
  • Section 55: Retractions and Fixed Points
  • Section 56: The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra


Published Nov. 12, 2021 10:05 AM - Last modified Nov. 25, 2021 10:36 AM