A final message: Here are suggested solutions to the final examination problems.
Tomorrow, Tuesday Nov 28, I will go through the exercises 9.1-5. I have also been asked to do exercise 4.7. If anyone has other problems they want me to discuss, please send me an e-mail.
This week I started discussing the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, and I plan to finish this Monday Nov. 27. After that, and Tuesday 28, I will go through the exercises 9.1-5, and review what I see as the most important parts of the course.
You can find earlier exams on the institute web pages (here).
Links to solutions: 2004 2005
More differential geometry problems can be found among exam problems from the earlier courses Ma122 and Ma222. Due to a different emphasis and selection of topics not all these problems are relevant, and some may be formulated in a somewhat different language. But you should still be able to do many of them.
The last section - on the Gauss-Bonnet theorem - has now been added to the notes on differential geometry, and they are now complete. This section will be the topic of the last lectures, Tuesday Nov. 21 and Monday Nov. 27.
I expect to finish the classification of geometries of constant curvature (section 8) Monday Nov. 20, after going through this week's exercises. There is one more topic to be covered: the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. I plan to do that Tuesday 21. and Monday 27. The notes on this will be posted Monday 20.
Two new sections (7 and 8) have now been posted. Tomorrow's topic (Nov. 14.) will be the end of 6 and section 7.
Section 6 of the differential geometry notes, on geodesic curves, has now been posted. I start lecturing on this today, Tuesday Nov. 7.
Suggested solutions to the compulsory exercises can be found here
Today I finished the "Basic concepts" chapter and started on "Differential geometry on surfaces". Next Monday, after going through exercises 1.1-3, I will continue with Riemannian metrics and curvature.
This week I finished the chapter "Topological classification of compact, closed surfaces". Monday Oct. 23. I will probably use one hour for excercises and then go on to the chapter "Geometry on surfaces -- basic concepts". This is the beginning of the last main topic of the course, which will continue with differential geometry on Tuesday 24. The first installment of the notes for this will be posted by the end of this week.
I have now started on the chapter on classification of compact surfaces, and I expect to finish that tomorrow (Tuesday Oct. 17), before continuing with a discussion of geometries on such surfaces. The notes on this are now also posted.
Today I finished the last section of the notes on hyperbolic geometry. The rest of the term we will study geometry on surfaces, and we will start next week with the definitions and the classification theorem for compact surfaces. Revised and somewhat expanded notes on this are now posted.
The compulsory exercises are now available under the link "Obligatorisk oppgave" to the left on this page. Your solutions should be handed in, either to me or to the administrations office on the 7th floor, Friday October 20. at 15.00 at the latest.
The department's regulations for compulsory exercises can be found here: Norwegian English
Section 8 of the new, English version of the notes on hyperbolic geometry have now been posted, and the last section will follow tomorrow. Note that the order of these sections have been switched from the old version. There are also some minor changes in the presentation, and a few more exercises have been added.
Yesterday I introduced the arc length functions in the two models H and D and computed the arc-length of a circle. Next time I will begin with the concept of area in the hyperbolic plane and hopefully also go on to the last section on trigonometric formulae.
Note that here will be regular classes October 9. and 10.
Section 7 of the English version of the notes on hyperbolic geometry has now been poted.
This week's lectures covered sections 5 and 6 and the beginning of section 7. Next week we start discussing the metric in the Poincare disk-model.
The dates for the compulsary assignment have now been fixed. Friday October 6th after 2PM you will find the problems under the link "Obligatorisk oppgave" to the left on this web-page. The deadline for handing in your solutions will be October 20th.
I will be out of the country all of week 38, so there will be no regular lecture or exercise session Sept. 18-19. However, I suggested that the students meet Tuesday Sept. 19 for an excercise colloquium at the usual time and place, and I hope you all will find this helpful. For possible problems to discuss, see "Ukeoppgaver" for Sept 19.
The next regular lecture wil be Monday September 25, when I will start on section 5, "Distance in H".
Notice that there now is a link to weekly exercises on this web-page. Some of the problems are only in the English version, and the numbering may also be slightly different from the old Norwegian version.
Tuesday Sept. 5 I went through most of the classification of real fractional linear transformations in section 3 of the notes. I did not cover everything needed for all the exercises, but you should be able to read this yourself, since the necessary techniques are more or less the same. I plan to discuss the remaining theory in connection with the exercises Monday Sept. 11.
Notes for sections 4-6 will be posted sometime this weekend.
All students requiring English translations of their exam papers must report this using "StudentWeb" before September 1st
It turns out that a number of students wish to follow both MAT4510 and MAT4300. To avoid a collision of lectures we therefore move the Wednesday class to Tuesday 1215-1400 in Lille auditorium, in the east wing of the Physics building. I plan to begin today, Tuesday August 22, so I hope everybody gets this message in time.