So far, we have covered …

So far, we have covered material corresponding to (most of) Spivak: Ch.I, p.1-15 and Ch.II, p.27-45 and 50-52. Tomorrow (26-01) we shall finish differential calculus, explain immersions and imbeddings(p.46-49 and 52-53), and present Steiner's Roman surface (p. 15-17 and Ch.II, problem 29), as an exemple. Some relevant problems: Ch.I, nr.2-4,13,15, and Ch.II, nr.7,9,10-12, and32.( More demanding problems?: Ch.II, nr.14,15,17,and 21 ?) Some of the problems will be solved at lectures or informal meetings. Then we shall continue with the tangent- and other vector bundles (Ch.III).

Publisert 25. jan. 2007 17:20 - Sist endret 14. mai 2007 17:24