On Wednesday 14.03, we finished …
On Wednesday 14.03, we finished our discussion of Foliations, Ch. VI, and covered the Multilinear algebra part of Ch. VII,roughly pp. 201-207. On Friday 16.03, we solved Problems 4, 5, and 11 of Ch. V.On Wednesday 21.03,we shall introduce Differential forms and their exterior derivative (or differential.) On Friday 23.03, we shall solve problems, trying to follow wishes of the audience.Some relevant MA 252 exam problems: (i):Fall 2002, nr.2. ( f from M to N is submersive at the points where rank(df)=dimN ). (ii): Fall 2001, nr.1 and Fall 2000, nr. 1. They are similar, and are related to Lie derivatives.
Publisert 19. mars 2007 18:29
- Sist endret 14. mai 2007 17:24