Plan for weeks 19-21 -- updated
Tue May 7:
Sections 3.2-3.4 in Geiges "Contact Geometry".
Thu May 9:
Open books and Lefschetz fibrations, following Geiges "Contact Geometry" Section 3.5.1 and Sections 2.2-2.3 in by Sylvain Courte.
Tue May 14:
More on Lefschetz fibrations, following Sections 3-5 of Exotic symplectic manifolds from Lefschetz fibrations by Maksim Maydanskiy.
Thu May 16:
TIght and overtwisted, Section 3.6 and 3.7 in Geiges "Contact Geometry".
Tue May 21:
Cancelled due to this seminar
Thu May 23:
The Weinstein conjecture, following Section 1-3 in Taubes's proof of the Weinstein conjecture in dimension three by Michael Hutchings.
-- The end --
Publisert 6. mai 2019 15:23
- Sist endret 20. mai 2019 16:12