
Tentative syllabus:

The course will be divided into 3 parts:

Part I - Basics of symplectic geometry

This part will closely follow the book

"Lectures on symplectic geometry" by Ana Cannas da. Silva. Available at

We will also discuss Lefschetz fibrations (which one can read about in Section 1 of this article by Paul Seidel) and generating families (here

is an introduction, written by Sheila Sandon).


Part II - Basics of contact geometry

This part will follow the articles

"Contact geometry" by Hansj?rg Geiges, available at

"Legendrian and Transversal Knots" by John B. Etnyre, available at

"Legendrian contact homology in R^3" by John B. Etnyre and Lenhard L. Ng , available at


Part III - Stein manifolds and exotic symplectic structures


Publisert 8. jan. 2019 14:03 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2019 09:56