The exercises in the trial exam will be solved on Tuesday May 15 in class. Note that this exercise set is supposed to "mimic" an exam, and will give you a nice preparation for what is waiting on the real exam.
You find the slides from lectures 26+27 February here.
The student representatives are Mari Dahl Eggen and Daniel ?rvik. Please contact them if there are issues you would like to bring up:
dania ..
marideg ..
Here is the official version of the mandatory assignment. Please read all the information carefully! Notice that the deadline for delivery is pushed to March 1, to follow institute regulations. Also, notice the way you must hand in the assignment, using the devilry-system.
There is no change in the assignment tasks!
Here is the mandatory assignment. Data for the assignment can be found here:
excel format
csv format
Mac-numbers format
IMPORTANT!!!! Later there will be information on how to submit your answers. You will have to submit electronically through the "devilry"-system, and precise information will follow soon (when the institute has open the system for us....)
There is no teaching on Monday February 5 and Tuesday February 6.
The book for the course is available for sale in Akademika!
E.On annnounces stipends for master/PhDs in energy-related fields. Please find more information here.
Welcome to the first class (ever) on energy finance! We start lectures on Tuesday 16. January, 12-14.
The lectures will be based on the book
"Stochastic Modelling of Electricity and Related Markets" by FE Benth, JS Benth and S Koekebakker, World Scientific, 2008. ISBN-13 978-981-281-230-8