
Published June 5, 2020 3:17 PM

Inspera var nede fra ca 14:25 til 14:45 torsdag 04.06.20. P? grunn av dette har fakultetet bestemt at det skal legges til 30 minutter ekstratid p? eksamener som startet klokken 14.30 torsdag 04.06. Ekstratiden vil legges til av fakultetsadministrasjonen. Det vil si at ny innleveringsfrist for eksamen i dette emnet er torsdag 11.06 klokken 15.00.

Inspera was down from ca. 14:25 to 14:45 on Thursday 04.06.20. Because of this the faculty has decided that there will be added 30 minutes extra time on exams that started 14:30 on Thursday 04.06.20. The extra time will be added by the faculty administration. This means that the deadline for submission of the exam in this topic is Thursday 11.06.20 at 15:00.

Published June 5, 2020 2:40 PM

Due to down time in Inspera Thursday June 4 14:25 to 14:45, the Faculty has decided that there will be added 30 minutes exam time for exams that started 14:30 that Thursday. The extra time will be added by the administration on the Faculty, and the new deadline for the exam in MAT4770 is therefore Thursday June 11 15:00.

Published May 15, 2020 8:43 AM

As you all probably know, there will be a home exam this semester.

You deliver the exam as a pdf-file (no other format is possible!), and it is important that you upload ONE (1) file with your answers, without name and student number. Inspera is the tool for downloading the exam, and uploading your answers.

Your answers can be a scan of hand-written notes. You do not need to type in your answers in latex. sure to make your answers readable, that is, write nicely.....:-)

The grading is passed/not passed. 

I wish you all the best of lucks with the exam!



Published Apr. 21, 2020 6:35 AM

The solutions for the exercises on April 2 posted yesterday (Monday April 20) had a few errors on pages 1-3. Please find corrected solutions posted!

Published Apr. 16, 2020 8:14 AM

I have managed to make audio of lectures again, but now using the Mac-format "mov". It works on a windows-machine I have tested, so I hope everyone can hear and see it as well (not only Mac-users). 

Published Apr. 2, 2020 11:21 AM

I have some technical problems that prevent me from creating an audio of today's lecture. So, for the moment, there will be no audio available....sorry!

Published Apr. 1, 2020 10:02 AM

The exam is run as a 7-day individual home exam with all aids allowed. The tasks will be similar to a mandatory task. Collaboration will not be considered cheating, but you must have formulated and written the answer that is submitted, and it should reflect your understanding of the syllabus. The grade will be pass/fail, and the limit for passing will be 40% (like E at the regular exam). The exam is published in Inspera at the original examination date and must be submitted as one PDF file in Inspera within the same time 7 days later. The faculty works on solutions for students who may not have access to a computer/network.

Published Mar. 23, 2020 4:01 PM

Today new lecture notes on the Esscher transform is uploaded, together with an audio-recording going through the lecture notes. I hope the audio-recording works well for you. 

In addition, this afternoon I uploaded solutions to the exercises from March 16, as well as new exercises from today's lecture. 

Published Mar. 13, 2020 8:10 AM

Here we go again:-) After last message, we learned yesterday afternoon that University is closed. So, until further notice, I do not exactly know how to record lectures.... But, to keep pace, there are lecture notes posted for you to read (Section 3.2), along with exercises! From now on, I will post lecture notes, exercises and solutions to exercises on the "schedule", which will form the "digital lectures"! 

Please study! Read and do exercises! And, if you need to discuss something, we organise this via Skype or email. Contact me by email to agree on this.

Published Mar. 12, 2020 10:47 AM

A small little update on the plans ahead. There will be video recordings of lectures coming up soon. For the moment, please check the "schedule" for what you should do on Monday and Thursday lecture hours. I will include material in the "schedule", updated for the weekdays of lectures. There is already posted an exercise for you to work on. 

When we have video records available, they will be posted. Wait for updated information on that.

Published Mar. 11, 2020 8:10 PM

Fra i morgen, torsdag 12. mars, gis det ikke klasseromsundervisning i emnet.  

Det blir lagt til rette for et utvidet digitalt undervisningstilbud i emnet.  Mer informasjon om dette vil bli lagt ut p? semestersiden senest 23. mars.

Informasjon om eksamensavvikling kommer senere.


From tomorrow, Thursday March 12, there will be no classes/lectures in this topic.

There will be a digital teaching offered, more information about this will follow on these pages latest March 23. 

Information about the exam will come later.

Published Mar. 4, 2020 6:27 PM

If there is anyone taking the MAT9770-version of the course (as PhD-student), please contact the lecturer (Fred Espen Benth) as soon as possible and before March15. To do the MAT9770-version, one must pass an additional mandatory assignment.


Published Mar. 4, 2020 6:22 PM

There will be a WRITTEN final exam, June 4th. You need to have passed the mandatory assignment to be eligible for the exam.



Published Feb. 11, 2020 9:02 AM

Please see for information on a summer internship on cloud cover modelling and PV generation. You are encouraged to apply on this internship.

Published Feb. 11, 2020 8:55 AM

Here is the mandatory assignment in MAT4770. 

Note that you must deliver in Canvas, and that the deadline is Thursday 5th March, at 14:30. 

Published Jan. 30, 2020 2:54 PM

Here you can find the slides from the lecture January 30.

Published Jan. 30, 2020 2:49 PM

Student responsible in the course is Eline Larsen Valen. If you have things you would like to discuss concerning the course, you can talk with her (or with the lecturer directly, of course!)

Email of Eline is "elinelv alfakroell math uio no"

Published Dec. 19, 2019 3:11 PM

First lecture will be on Thursday January 16. 

The lectures are based on the book "Stochastic modelling of electricity and related markets" published at World Scientific. See publishers page. The book will be on sale at Akademika.