
Published Apr. 23, 2024 11:46 AM

The final assignment is a 30-minutes presentation on a research paper related to the lecture. Here are suggested topics:

* Estimate `\tilde\alpha(S) \ge d^2` from R. Duan, Super-activation of zero-error capacity of noisy quantum channels.
* Classification of quantum graphs on M_2 from J. Matsuda, Classification of Quantum Graphs on $M_2$ and their Quantum Automorphism Groups.
* Monotonicity of quantum Lovász number from D. Stahlke, Quantum Zero-Error Source-Channel Coding and Non-Commutative Graph Theory. (mainly Section V)
* Compare the convention of quantum homomorphisms / isomorphisms with B. Busto, D. Reutter, D. Verdon, A compositional approach to quantum functions.
* State-sum model behind quantum automorphism of quantum graphs: T. Banica, Quantum automorphism groups of homogeneous graphs.


Published Apr. 9, 2024 11:55 AM

Assignment due: 20 April

Format: PDF upload on Canvas

Published Feb. 23, 2024 10:58 AM

Style guide for typing up the lecture notes for mandatory assignment: PDF

Published Jan. 19, 2024 10:37 AM

We shift the Tuesday lectures to start from 12:45, and end at 14:30. The Friday lectures are unchanged.

Published Jan. 3, 2024 2:10 PM

The topic for this year is quantum graphs and associated quantum channels. The idea of quantum graphs came out of the paradigm of noncommutative spaces (regard noncommutative algebras as function spaces on ‘noncommutative spaces’) and operator spaces (subspaces of operators on Hilbert spaces). Our main reference is a recent survey [1] by M. Daws. We supplement it with some research articles (see the syllabus page) from quantum information theory to understand its application to QIT.

  1. Matthew Daws. 2022. “Quantum graphs: different perspectives, homomorphisms and quantum automorphisms.” (arXiv:2203.08716)