Examination topics
Here is a description of the course syllabus for the PhD exam, and the special syllabus for the Master exam.
Here are a list of starting questions for the examination.
Main references
Allen Hatcher: Algebraic Topology, Cambridge University Press. dowload page.
Saunders Mac Lane: Categories for the Working Mathematician, Springer GTM.
J. Peter May: A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology, Chicago Lectures in Mathematics. pdf.
Daniel Quillen: Higher algebraic K-theory, I, Springer LNM vol. 341. pdf.
Friedhelm Waldhausen: Algebraic K-theory of spaces, Springer LNM vol. 1126. pdf.
Lecture notes
John Rognes: Lecture Notes on Algebraic K-Theory, pdf.
Other papers
A. K. Bousfield and E. M. Friedlander: Homotopy theory of Gamma-spaces, spectra and bisimplicial sets, Springer LNM vol. 658. pdf.
Jones, Kim, Mhoon, Santhanam, Walker and Grayson: The additivity theorem in K-theory, K-Theory. pdf.
Joachim Lillig: A union theorem for cofibrations, Arch. Math. pdf.
M. C. McCord: Classifying spaces and infinite symmetric products, Trans. AMS. pdf.
John Rognes: A spectrum level rank filtration in algebraic K-theory, Topology. dvi.
Graeme Segal: Classifying spaces and spectral sequences, Publ. Math. IHES. pdf.
Ross E. Staffeldt: On fundamental theorems of algebraic K-theory, K-Theory. pdf.
Norman E. Steenrod: A convenient category of topological spaces, Michigan Math. J. pdf.
Friedhelm Waldhausen: Algebraic K-theory of generalized free products, part 1, Annals of Maths. pdf.
Friedhelm Waldhausen: Algebraic K-theory of generalized free products, part 2, Annals of Maths. pdf.