
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
20.01.2010JR? B63? Classification problems? Sections 1.1-1.3?
22.01.2010JR? B63? What is algebraic K-theory?? Sections 1.4-1.8?
27.01.2010? B63? Applications of K-theory? Sections 1.9-1.15?
29.01.2010? B71? Categories and functors ? Sections 2.1-2.4?
03.02.2010? B63? Very few objects or morphisms? Sections 2.5-2.9?
05.02.2010? B71? Natural transformations and equivalences? Sections 3.1-3.3?
10.02.2010? B63? Adjoint pairs? Sections 3.4-3.5.?
12.02.2010? B71? Colimits and limits? Sections 4.1-4.3?
17.02.2010? B63? Spaces and CW complexes? Sections 5.1-5.2?
19.02.2010? B71? Cofibrations? Section 5.4?
26.02.2010? B71? The gluing lemma? Section 5.5?
03.03.2010? B63? Simplicial complexes? Sections 6.1?
05.03.2010? B71? Simplicial sets? Section 6.2?
10.03.2010? B63? CW structure, products? Sections 6.3-6.4?
12.03.2010? B71? Bisimplicial sets, the realization lemma? Sections 6.5-6.6 ?
17.03.2010? B63? Nerves and classifying spaces ? Section 7.1?
19.03.2010? B71? Quillen's theorem A (and A*) ? Sections 7.3-7.4?
24.03.2010? B63, 10.15-11.00? Categories with cofibrations? Section 8.1?
25.03.2010? B71, 15.15-16.00? Categories of weak equivalences ? Section 8.2 ?
26.03.2010? B71? The S.-construction? Sections 8.3-8.4?
08.04.2010? B71, 14.15-16.00? Algebraic K-groups? Sections 8.4-8.5?
09.04.2010? B71? The simplex category? Section 7.6?
14.04.2010? B63? The additivity theorem? Section 8.5?
16.04.2010? B71? The algebraic K-theory spectrum? Sections 8.6-8.7?
21.04.2010? B63? The iterated S.-construction? Section 8.7?
23.04.2010? B71? The spectrum level rank filtration? Section 8.8?
28.04.2010? B63? K-theory of finite sets and G-sets? Section 8.9?
29.04.2010? B71, 14.15-16.00? Abelian and exact categories? Sections 9.1-9.3?
05.05.2010? B63? The Q-construction? Quillen section 2, Waldhausen section 1.9?
07.05.2010? B71? Additivity for exact categories? Quillen section 3?
12.05.2010? B63? Resolution? Quillen section 4?
19.05.2010? B63? ? Quillen section 4?
21.05.2010? B71? Transfer? Quillen section 4?
26.05.2010? ? ? No lecture May 26th.?
27.05.2010? B71, 14.15-16.00? Devissage? Quillen section 5?
28.05.2010? B71? Localization ? Quillen section 5 ?
06.06.2010? B62, 10.00-14.00? Muntlig eksamen? ?
Published Jan. 19, 2010 4:16 PM - Last modified May 28, 2010 5:05 PM