Lecture notes
Here are my
The older versions of the individual chapters are listed below.
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: The Steenrod algebra and its dual
- Chapter 3: Classifying spaces
- Chapter 4: Characteristic classes
- Chapter 5: Topological K-theory
- Chapter 6: Smooth bordism
- Chapter 7: Sequential and orthogonal spectra
- Chapter 8: Spectral sequences
- Chapter 9: Formal group laws
- Chapter 10: The height filtration
- Chapter 11: Morava K- and E-theory
- Chapter 12: Chromatic localization
- Chapter 13: Telescopic localization
- Chapter 14: Galois extensions
- Appendix A: The Adams spectral sequence
Published Mar. 16, 2023 6:48 PM
- Last modified Nov. 20, 2024 3:29 PM