3-8 Similarity solutions
4-3 Similarity solutions for steady 2D flow
4-4.2 The plane laminar jet
Repetition of the curriculum will take place the weeks:
26 / 28 Nov; 3 / 5 Dec
Exact solution to 4-42:
u=C[exp(k1 y) -exp(k2 y)]
where C is an undetermined constant, and
k1=(1/(2eps))(-1+sqrt(1-4 eps)),
Topics for possible master projects will be presented by the group of teachers in the Mechanics Section. Time place, see above.
Oblig 2: Do problem 4-3 on p. 329 in White. Calculate particularly: i) the shear stress at the wall, ii) the drag force on a plat of length L, iii) plot in log-log-plot CD vs. Re=UL/nu. iv) Compare your solution with Blasius' solution.
v(r)=[(-dp/dx)/(4 mu)] [r1^2-r^2+(r2^2-r1^2) ln (r / r1)/ln (r2 / r1)]
Q/A =[(-dp/dx)/(8 mu)] r2^2 [1 + (r1/r2)^2 - (1-(r1/r2)^2)/ln (r2/r1)]
Delta p= 40 000 Pa (mu=0.02 Pa. s) corresponding to 4 m water column
Delta p=200 000 Pa (mu=0.1 Pa .s) corresponding to 20 m water column
Gaultier Gacoin and Thea Josefine Ellevold
Textbook F. White, problems 3-15, 3-16, 3-5, 3-6.
Hei, jeg har blitt informert om at boka er utsolgt fra forlaget. Vi pr?ver likevel med pensumet fra F. White. Kan dere studenter pr?ve a) ? kj?pe/l?ne bok fra andre studenter? b) Boka finnes som e-bok p? nettet. Kan dere laste den ned?
JG 14/08/18
Frank M White, Viscous Fluid Flow, 2006, McGrawhill.
Newtonian fluids (ch 3): 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-3.1, 3-3.2, 3-5, 3-5.1, 3-7, 3-7.1, 3-8, 3-8.1, 3-9.
Boundary layers, similarity solutions, Kelvin-Helmholtz-instability (ch 4 og 5): 4-1 to 4-1.6, 4-2, 4-3 to 4-3.3. 5-1 to 5-1.2.
Turbulence and turbulence models (ch 6): 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 to 6-3.1, 6-4 to 6-4.1, 6-4.2, 6-4.4, 6-6, 6-6.1, 6-6.3, 6-7, 6-7.1, 6-7.2.
Lecture notes. All problems and examples given and presented.
28/11/2018 J.G.