
Published Nov. 24, 2021 4:27 PM

Dear All,

I suggest the following schedule for an exam:

10:00 Michal

10:35 Eva

11:10 Ruihang

11:45 Heidi

12:20 J?rgen

12:55 Karen

13:30 Ole Petter

Please, let me know if it is OK for you. Michal, I put you the first as you asked me before.


Published Sep. 11, 2021 8:03 AM

The first mandatory assignment is published. It is placed in files in Canvas and was also send to you by email. The deadline for submission is 4 October. Please, submit in pdf format either through Canvas or by email.

The next three Mondays (13 September, 20 September and 27 September) during exercises you will be working on this mandatory assignment.