
Published Mar. 22, 2021 1:07 PM

Oblig 2 is described in lecture notes ch. 6. 

Oracle: mail to

Published Mar. 22, 2021 1:07 PM

Oblig 2 is described in lecture notes ch. 6. 

Oracle: mail to

Published Jan. 22, 2021 3:11 PM

Hi all,

1. MN-faculty has decided that digital teaching continues. 

2. As regards the textbook by Newman, please order it from Akademika. I suggest you ask them to send the book by mail, and ask them to cover the mail cost. It is important for the course that you can use the book.

Published Jan. 15, 2021 9:23 AM

Oblig 1 is given as 2.6.1 Exercise on p. 10 in Lecture notes posted in schedule, lectures, on 11 January. 


1. Make discretisation of a) a circle with radius R0, b) and ellipse of major half axis a0 and minor half axis b0, and c) a square of side 2a0. Use a Matlab of Python-script for the purpose. 

2. Calculate the coefficients of the integral equation on discrete form given in eq. (26) on p. 10 in the Lecture notes. Solve the integral equation for the circle and compare to the analytical solution in (19). Investigate convergence as function of N (hint: use N=100, 200, 400.)

3. Calculate the added mass coefficient a11 of the circle. Compare to the analytical result m11= rho pi R0^2. 

4. Do the same for the ellipse with b0/a0=0.5 and b0/a0=0.1. Solve the discrete integral equation (26). Investigate convergence as function of the number of segments N. Calculate the added mass coefficient...

Published Jan. 11, 2021 1:06 PM

Kadek Dwipayana Jensen and Sverre Vinje are student representatives in MEK4420 Spring 2021