The syllabus and the CFD book
The syllabus is chapters 4, 5, 6, 8 and 11.1-11.10 and the lecture notes on fractional step methods. Chapter 8 is more or less replaced by these lecture notes.
Other than that chapter 7 discusses solutions techniques for the linear algebra problem assembled through the finite volume method. This is something that we always outsource (Numpy, Scipy or OpenFOAM's own linear algebra solvers), and as such it is not part of the syllabus. Chapter 9 gives a little bit more detail about how to fix boundary conditions in more than 1 dimensions, but it is very much adapted to the staggered mesh approach, which is not really much used in practise. Hence ch. 9 is not syllabus. Chapter 10 could be helpful for the project and is a recommended read, but is not part of the syllabus. Chapters 12 and 13 cover CFD for combustion and is not syllabus.