Please find here the text of the exam, and here the outline of its solution.
Here below some further information about the exam:
In addition to the ordinary class, today the lecture will be streamed in Zoom:
In addition to the ordinary class, today the lecture will be streamed in Zoom:
As mentioned a few times in class, part of the exam for STK-IN9300 (PhD) students is to hold a 15-minuted presentation during the last week of lecture (Monday 16th for those whose surname starts with a letter between A and R; Tuesday 17th for those with a surname starting with a letter between S and Z).
Please send me an email with the title of your presentation and if you prefer to present in class or via Zoom.
DEADLINE: November 15th.
--English below--
Til deg som skal ha digital hjemmeeksamen ved Matematisk institutt h?sten 2020.
Generelt gjelder f?lgende:
- Eksamenstid er 4 timer. Det gis i tillegg 30 min ekstra tid til scanning og opplasting av PDF.
- Alle hjelpemidler er tillatt (f.eks. l?rebok, nettressurser, matematisk programvare osv.).
- Det er ikke tillatt ? 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录e eller kommunisere med andre under eksamen om oppgavene.
- Man kan trekkes ut til samtale for ? kontrollere eierskap til sin besvarelse. Samtalen har ikke innvirkning p? sensuren/karakteren, men kan lede til at instituttet oppretter fuskesak. Les mer om hva som regnes som fusk p? UiOs nettsider: /om/regelverk/studier/studier-eksamener/fuskesaker/
- For?vrig gjelder informasjonen p? nettsiden om eksamensavvikling ved MN h?sten 2020:
It has been noticed that, in the dataset of the first exercise, it was not necessarily clear which variable corresponds to which column. A sentence has been therefore added to the text of the assignment to clarify the point.
The second mandatory assignment has been published, please see here.
It must be submitted via Canvas by Thursday, October 29th (2020).
The first mandatory assignment has been published, please see here.
It must be submitted via Canvas by Thursday, September 24th (2020).
As said in class, I will record a podcast for each lecture. Since I prefer students to be in class and interact during the lectures, I ask you to use the podcasts as the last resource and I will only provide them when asked by mail (i.e., you will not find them online).
Unfortunately, there was a technical problem during the first lecture, so the podcast is unavailable. It seems like the problem is now solved, so there will be a podcast from the next lecture.