Information from the first lecture

For those who could not attend the first lecture:

  • Organization: Tuesday exercises with the TAs, Wednesday lectures with me.
  • Communication/material: I will use the STK-IN4300 course website for every communication. The slides of the lectures will be available 1-2 days before (otherwise please refer to the 2021 course page). The exercises will be uploaded on Wednesday after the lecture.
  • Exam: written exam on 05.12.2022. PhD students may have to give a presentation during the last week of lecture (or, if too many, there will be another task).
  • Mandatory assignments: there will be two mandatory assignments. Their texts will be posted here, but the solutions need to be submitted via Canvas. The first assignment most probably will be out on the 1st of September, with deadline for submission on the 15th of September.
  • Software: we will use R in the course, you are welcome to use other languages for the mandatory assignments.
  • Students representatives: the mail contacts of the two students representatives can be found on this year course webpage.
Published Aug. 30, 2022 2:03 PM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2022 2:03 PM