Recovering logical causalities by logic regression

Michael Baumgartner and Christoph Falk from the University of Bergen recently published a paper entitled Configurational causal modeling and logic regression [1]. In this paper, they show that logic regression model can be used to recover causal structures featuring conjunctural causation and equifinality. Further they hypothesise that Bayesian logic regression may also give promising results. The aim of this project, thus, would be to check if a Bayesian version of logic regression can perform the task better than the frequentist version that is used by Michael Baumgartner and Christoph Falk. The project will involve carefully reading through the paper by Baumgartner and Falk, understanding the problem and repeating their simulation study (their code and data are available) with a version of Bayesian logic regression implemented in EMJMCMC R package or in LogicReg package.

[1] Baumgartner, Michael, and Christoph Falk. "Configurational Causal Modeling and Logic Regression." Multivariate Behavioral Research (2021): 1-19.

Published Jan. 31, 2022 6:26 PM - Last modified Feb. 1, 2022 10:45 AM