Plan for the course the next three weeks
We resume lectures tomorrow Monday 20th at 14:15. The lecturer for these weeks is David R. Banos.
The plan for the course until week 40 will be the following:
Tomorrow Monday: First hour: we will finish the part on linear algebra in connection with linear programming. Second hour: finish solving problems from the first list of exercises. If time permits, we will start the second list of exercises.
Then, each Thursday I will upload video theoretical lectures from Prof. Salvador Ortiz-Latorre corresponding to three hours.
Each Monday will be devoted to solving exercises.
If you have any questions, please contact David R. Banos by e-mail or ask during the exercise hours on Mondays.
Published Sep. 19, 2021 8:54 PM
- Last modified Sep. 19, 2021 9:33 PM