November 1-2

This week, I finished Chapter 6 by the proofs of two versions of Central Limit theorem. Then, I gave some definitions from Section 7.1 and moved to Section 7.4 and completed it by closely following the book. On Tuesday, projector didn't work; hence I used the blackboard, hence for today's course notes, please see November 2. I gave a counter example for Theorem 6.17 and solved Exercise 6.22 part a.

Next week, tentative plan is to cover whole Chapter 8 and give some fundamental definitions of Chapter 9, Section 9.1. Planned problems are Final Exam 2019, Problem 2 and Final Exam 2020, Problem 1.

Published Nov. 2, 2021 3:29 PM - Last modified Nov. 8, 2021 10:40 AM