
Published Sep. 4, 2024 8:03 PM

All students are welcome to a social event on the 26th of September at 16:00 in the big room on the 12th floor.

Check the event in the link below and register if you would like to attend:

Published Aug. 27, 2024 5:52 PM

I have uploaded an updated version of the lecture notes with solutions for some exercises.

Thank you for a nice and cooperative discussion today! We will try to find the teaching methodology that maximizes overall utility :) I have been thinking and I have a proposal for the "practical" part of the course which I will present to you tomorrow (28th og Aug.). It is basically the following:

Lectures will be on the blackboard, preferably on Tuesdays. One week before you will be given a list of exercises to solve. On selected Wednesdays, you will solve the exercises and I will walk around and help you during the first hour. You can also come with your proposed solutions and ask me. In this way, I will get an idea of which exercises are most demanding. Those will be solved on the blackboard during the second hour, if needed. Only the solutions to the exercises that we have not been solved in the classroom will be uploaded, thus encouraging students to come a...

Published Aug. 22, 2024 9:21 AM

The lecture notes are now updated. There is now a lot of material from Chapter 3, but you do not need to look at it yet. Now you can find the exercises from Chapter 3 and you are ready to solve any exercise from 3.1 to 3.12. Solve those that you manage or have time to.

From yerterday's lecture I have added a deeper discussion into the topic of completeness of measures. However, I prefer that you solve the exercises.

Published Aug. 21, 2024 11:36 AM

The student representatives for this semester are:

Georg Ziegler Helle, georgzh at

Mohit Varma, mohitv at

The date for handing in the assignment is 17th of October at 14:30. The assignment needs to be handed in on Canvas ( in a pdf file. It will be published two weeks before the due date.

Published Aug. 14, 2024 9:45 AM

Dear students!

I have uploaded a first version of the lecture notes. You will find them in the menu below on the course webpage or by clicking here. There you will find:

  1. A gentle introduction on "what probability is or can be".
  2. Some useful preliminary material.
  3. The start of the syllabus: measure theory.

The first two chapters are not compulsory, but it may be nice to take a look. You can take a look while you are in the public transport or on a plane or train coming back from holidays, or simply at home during a rainy evening. It is meant as a soft reading. However, it is important that you understand the content of Chapter 2 reasonably well. You can also try Exercise 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 if you wish.


Published Aug. 6, 2024 11:35 AM

Time and place: Our first lecture will take place on Tuesday 20th of August at 10:15 am in the lecture room 126 in Niels Henrik Abels hus (the same as the Department of Mathematics). See the schedule of the course here.

The language of the course will be chosen during the first lecture. The language of the written notes and exercises will be English. In any case, you may hand in your assignment and exam in English or any other Scandinavian language.

Literature/lecture material: We will use the following supporting book for this course: Jacod J., Protter P. Probability Essentials, 2nd Ed. 2004. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

However, I will work out my own lecture notes progressively, w...