How the course will proceed during the University lock-down
here some information about the continuation of the course during the lock-down:
- the mandatory assignment is postponed of one week, to give time to everyone to adapt to the new situation. I will upload the text at the beginning of the next week, with the new deadline being April 9th, 14:30 <- EDIT: since April 9th is a bank holiday, the deadline is postponed of one week, April 16th.
- starting from next week, will upload the podcast of the upcoming lecture every Monday. I will use the podcast of the last year course, which were recorded in a different room and have a much better quality;
- I will be available in Zoom ( for two hours after the "supposed lecture time" (so every Wednesday from 15:00 to 17:00) for answering possible questions regarding the weekly lectures;
- exercises will be also updated every Monday, and Alise will be available in Zoom on the usual Friday hours (12:15 - 14:00) for answering possible questions on the exercises.
Any feedback is welcome!