Weekly exercices

Here you find the weekly exercises for the coming week, as well as an overview of exercises for past weeks. The week number refers to when the exercises will be discussed in the exercise class.  

To learn the material well, it is important to spend time and make real efforts on trying to solve the exercises, preferably before the exercise class.

Some of the exercises are from the book  James et al 2013: An Introduction to Statistical Learning, and will be referred to as ISLR

Note that the link to book website given in the book does not work any more; the new link is https://hastie.su.domains/ElemStatLearn/.

A link to the extra exercises is here.

Exercises the coming week

Week 6

Exercises from ISLR: Exercise 3.8, 3.5

Extra exercises (see link above): 1, 2 and 3 

  • Solutions: See Vinni's solutions, except from 2d, for which Vera presented this solution (where the lower bound is simply \(\sigma^2\), attained when \(f(x) = g(x)\)). For exercise 1, there are also Geir's solutions (excluding the R-part). 

Exercises for past weeks


Week 5

Exercises from the book: 2.7

Exercises from ISLR: 1, 2, and 8 from Chapter 2 (see the webpage for the book for downloading data; the easiest alternative is to install the ISLR library (through the command install.packages("ISLR")), make the library available (through the library("ISLR")), and then make the data available through data(College))

Publisert 22. jan. 2025 11:59 - Sist endret 6. feb. 2025 16:14