
Publisert 22. juni 2016 11:30

Here is the exam text and here is a brief outline of solutions 

Publisert 22. juni 2016 10:55

Her er en lenke til Matematisk Fagutvalgs emneevalueringsskjema for STK2130 v?ren 2016:


Publisert 31. mai 2016 14:10

For the exam you are allowed to bring an approved calculator and addition use the collection of formulae which is called "Formelsamling til STK1100 og STK1110" and can be downloaded here. Note that it is not handed out at the exam, so you have to print it and bring it yourself. 

Publisert 26. mai 2016 19:58

There will be tutorial sessions with Aliaksandr next week on Tuesday 31 May 10.15-12 (NHA 126) and Wednesday 1 June 9.15-10 (VB aud 4).

Publisert 12. mai 2016 14:29

I will go through some exam exercises on Thursday 26 May, not 19 May as previously announced

Publisert 3. mai 2016 10:06

The exercise session Tuesday 10 May 10.15-12 is moved to Thursday 10.15-12 in Aud 4 in VB!

Publisert 29. apr. 2016 11:15

The last ordinary lecture will be on Wednesday 4 May. I will go through some exam exercises on Thursday 19 May.

There will be exercise sessions and plenaries in week 18 and 19, and also in week 22. 

Publisert 21. apr. 2016 14:28

There will be no exercise session on Tuesday 26 April. On Friday 29 April there will be a lecture instead of plenary exercises. The exercises for next week will be tutored the week after.

Publisert 13. apr. 2016 10:41

The will be only a single lecture this day, starting at 11.15

Publisert 9. mars 2016 10:22

We used the Laplace transform to prove Theorem 5.1. A definition of the Laplace transform can be seen in the remark on page 64 in the textbook.

Publisert 4. mars 2016 10:25

Because of midterm exams in other courses, there will be no lectures, tutorial or exercises in week 11 (March 14-March 18)

Publisert 25. feb. 2016 13:49

can be found here (written by Sven Ove Samuelsen) 

Publisert 25. feb. 2016 13:48

can be found here

Publisert 5. feb. 2016 11:15

This page will contain solutions of the problems we go through in the form of plenary notes and additional files.

The notes from 29.01.2016 are available at set1, the solution for the rest of the problems (4.4, 4.13) can be found here.

The notes from 05.02.2016 are available at set2, the solution for the rest of the problems (4.4, 4.13) can be found here.


Publisert 5. feb. 2016 10:13

The student representatives are Camilla Lingj?rde (email camiling) og Camilla Rostrup Strand (email camilrs), both emails are "at" 

Publisert 29. jan. 2016 10:30

This page will contain solutions of the problems we go through in the form of plenary notes and additional files.

The notes from 29.01.2016 are available at set1, the solution for the rest of the problems (4.4, 4.13) can be found here.

The notes from 05.02.2016 are available at set2, the solution for the rest of the problems (4.4, 4.13) can be found ....


Publisert 22. jan. 2016 14:04

The lecture notes from the Smartboard for this week are now available on the "Lecture plan" page. Click on the date of the lecture.

Publisert 18. jan. 2016 11:44
Publisert 4. jan. 2016 10:03

The lectures will start Wednesday 20 January at 9.15 in VB Aud 4. 

We will use the textbok

Sheldon M. Ross: "Introduction to Probability Models", 11th edition (2014), Academic Press, ISBN: 978-0-12-407948-9