Semesterside for STK2130 - V?r 2018


Please visit this page to provide your feedback on the course:

8. juni 2018 13:32

The last ordinary lecture of the course was Wednesday 9th of May.


11. mai 2018 11:52

Some students have asked for examples and theorems covering the use of linear equations for finding expected hitting times and hitting probabilities. A source for this is James Norris' book Markov Chains. The relevant Chapter is  subchapter 1.3, which is available online on Norris' site. His book is a good source for students looking for some mathematically rigorous coverage of Markov Chains.

8. mars 2018 13:45

The student representatives for this course are Mari Ingolfsrud Innv?r (email mariii) and Lars Olsen (email lholsen), both emails are "at" 

22. feb. 2018 17:52

We will have group sessions on Thursdays and plenary sessions on Mondays. You can find the exercises for a given week under the tab "Felles?velser", which can be found under the tab "Timeplan". Will will work together with a set of exercises its corresponding Thursday and go through them the following Monday.

As I have mentioned, we will follow the exercises from Spring 2017 closely, see the exercise page from that year. This page also contains solutions to the selected exercises.

24. jan. 2018 14:31