Beskjeder - Side 2

Publisert 12. mars 2020 12:54

The Exercise session will be replaced with a Webinar/Chatroom using the Zoom software. Please send me an email with the title "Join Chatroom STK2130" so that I can send you the link to join.

Best wishes,


Publisert 11. mars 2020 21:35

Starting tomorrow March 12 all lectures will be cancelled. This also includes the excercises. We will instead offer digital lectures (video clips or webinars). More information about this will follow as soon as possible, and not later than March 23. Information about the exam will be given later.

Publisert 11. mars 2020 21:30

Fra i morgen, torsdag 12. mars, gis det ikke klasseromsundervisning i emnet.  Dette gjelder b?de forelesninger og gruppeundervisning. 

Det blir lagt til rette for et utvidet digitalt undervisningstilbud i emnet.  Mer informasjon om dette vil bli lagt ut p? semestersiden senest 23.Mars.

Informasjon om eksamensavvikling kommer senere.

Publisert 5. mars 2020 13:59

The mandatory assignment will be available in Canvas on March 6.

Publisert 25. feb. 2020 12:18

The student representative for STK2130 this semester is Camilla Dalby Borger (camilldb at

Publisert 3. feb. 2020 17:33

Starting this week both the lectures and exercises have moved. The lectures will take place in Room 107 N. H. Abel's house. The exercises will take place in Room UE 26 N. H. Abel's house.

Publisert 27. jan. 2020 18:38

The tentative curriculum has been updated. Example numbers are now in line with the 12th edition of the textbook.