Zoom-m?te tirsdag 21. april kl 09.30
Arne Huseby is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: STK2130 20V Modellering av stokastiske prosesser
Time: Apr 21, 2020 09:30 AM Oslo
Vi m?tes igjen til Zoom-m?te. Form?let er f?rst og fremst at vi holder litt kontakt med dere, og fanger opp eventuelle sp?rsm?l. I dette m?tet vil vi ha spesiell fokus p? sp?rsm?l i tilknytning til de digitale forelesningene. Hvordan synes dere at det fungerer? Hvis dere har tilbakemeldinger eller sp?rsm?l i tilknytning til dette, s? kan dere gjerne sende meg dette p? epost ogs?. Ellers svarer jeg selvf?lgelig ogs? p? epost s? fort jeg kan om det skulle v?re noe.
We will have another Zoom-meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to stay in touch and answer questions you may have. In this meeting the main focus will be on the digital lectures. Does this work OK for you? If you have questions regarding this, you may alternatively send them to me by email. I will answer email as soon as I can.
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Meeting ID: 659 4731 4708
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Meeting ID: 659 4731 4708
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Meeting ID: 659 4731 4708
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