Lectures STK3100-h13

This page will contain plans for the next lectures, and a description

over the material that  has already been covered.


Previous weeks:

  • Week  34 (19/8-23/8): After an introduction (slides) sections 4.1-15 in chapter 4 i de Jong and Heller (deJ&H) were surveyed.
  • Week 35 (26/8-30/8): The remaining material in chapter 4 i de Jong and  Heller. Then sections 3.1-3-4 chapter 3 on  the exponential family of distributions.
  • Week 36 (2/9 - 6/9): The remaining part of chapter , section 3.5 in deJ&H. The beginning of chapter  5, sections  5.1-5.5 in deJ&H about generalized  linear models (GLM). R-code and R-code .
  • Week 37 (9/9-13/9): Sections 5.5-5.7 of chapter 5 in deJ&H.
  • Week 38 (16/9-20/9): Rest of  chapter 5 in deJ&H and beginning of section 6.1 in chapter 6.
  • Week 39 (23/9-27/9): Sections 6.1-6.2 in chapter 6 in deJ&H, R-code, R-code, R-code .
  • Week 40 (30/9-4/10): Rest of chapter 6. Then first part of chapter 7. R-code, R-code.
  • Week 41 (7/10-11/10): Chapter 7, sections 7.6, 7.7, 7.9 and first part of section 7.8.
  • Week 42 (14/10-18/10): Rest of section 7.8. Sections 5.1-3 in chapter 5, mixed effects modelling for nested data, in Zuur et al: Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R. Available as electronic book. The relevant parts of chapter 9 on correlated data in deJong and Heller was also commented. R-code.
  • Week 43 (21/10-25/10): Sections 5.1-6 in chapter 5, mixed effects modelling for nested data, in Zuur et al: Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R. Available as electronic book. The relevant parts of chapter 9 on correlated data in deJong and Heller will also be commented. R-code.
  • Week 44 (22/10-1/11): Sections 5.7-9 in chapter 5 and section 6.1 in Zuur et al: Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R. Available as electronic book. The relevant parts of chapter 9 on correlated data in deJong and Heller will also be commented. R-code.
  • Week 45 (4/11-8/11): Sections 13.1, 13.2.2,, 13.2.3 and 13.3 in chapter 13 in Zuur et al: Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R. Available as electronic book. Material on GAM and GAMM is not part of the syllabus and can be skipped. The relevant parts of chapter 9 on correlated data in deJong and Heller will also be commented. R-code, R-code.
  • Week 46 (11/11-15/11): Chapter 8 on continuous responses in deJong and Heller, R-code, R-code, R-code.

Next weeks:



Published June 17, 2013 3:05 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2023 12:38 PM