Exercises STK3100-f15

This page will contain problems for the next week, and a list

over the problems for the  previous weeks.


Next week:

Week 47 (11/16-11/20): Exercise 20 in Exercises in STK3100/4100. Problems S13  from supplementary problems in STK3100-f15/STK4100-f15 The data for exercise 20 is available as file sau under "Data" on the course web page. R solution for exercise 20 is now available at EX20.r. A note of estiation of ф for Gamma estimation of phi, where one can see some details we didn't have time to talk about today. The notes from 19.11.2015 are available at set12.


Previous weeks:

Week 46 (11/9-11/13): Exercise 25 and 26  in Exercises in STK3100/4100 . Problem 2 from finals STK3100-f13. You find the text under "oppgaver" on the course web page. The R solution for exercise 26 is now available at EX26.r. The notes from 12.11.2015 are available at set11.

Week 45 (11/2-11/6): Exercise 22, 24 and 27 in Exercises in STK3100/4100 . The solution for exercise 22 is now available at EX22.r. The notes from 05.11.2015 are available at set10.

Week 44 (10/26-10/30): There will be no exercise section in week 44 because the usual auditorium is occupied for another purpose Thursday October 29th. However, you are recommended to take a look at exercise 21 in Exercises in STK3100/4100 .

Week 43 (10/19-10/23): Problem 1 from finals STK3100-f09 and problem 1 and 2 from finals STK3100-f07. You find the text under "oppgaver" on the course web page. English translations of STK3100-f09, problem 1  and STK3100-f07 problem 1 and 2 are available as problems S16-S18 from supplementary problems in STK3100-f13/STK4100-f15. The notes from 22.10.2015 are available at set9.

Week 42 (10/12-10/16): Exercise 19 from  Exercises in STK3100/4100 .Problem 1 from finals STK3100-f10 and problem 2 a-e from finals STK2000-f04. You find the text under "oppgaver" on the course web page and on  the web page for the course STK2000. An English translation of STK3100-f10, problem 1 is available as problem S15 from supplementary problems in STK3100-f13/STK4100-f15. The English text for STK2000-f04. The notes from 15.10.2015 are available at set8. Solution for problem 1 from finals STK3100-f10 (in Norwegian) is available at problem2010p2 . Code for exercise 19 is available at 19g.

Week 41 (10/5-10/9): Problem 1 from finals    STK3100-f13  and problem 1 from finals STK3100-f08 . You find the text under "oppgaver" on the course web page. An English translation of STK3100-f08, problem 1 is available as problem S14 from supplementary problems in STK3100-f15/STK4100-f15. The notes from 08.10.2015 are available at set7. Solution for problem 1 from finals   STK3100-f13 can be found here solution2013.

Week 40 (9/28-10/2): Exercise 6.2 in deJ&H, the data is available on the course web page as "NSWdeath2002". Here is some R-code for reading the data. Also problem 2 from finals STK3100-f10 and problem 2 from finals STK3100-f09. You find the text under "oppgaver" on the course web page. An English translation is available as problems S12 and S13 from supplementary problems in STK3100-f13/STK4100-f15. R soulution for exercise 6.2 in deJ&H with a random walk example for model selection is available at deJ&H_6.2. The notes from 01.10.2015 are available at set6.

Week 39 (9/21-9/25): Exercise  5.3  and 5.4 in deJong and Heller. Remark that the deviance for the Binomial in Table 5.2 contains an error, so this part of the exercise is to correct it. Problems S8-S11 from supplementary problems in STK3100-f15/STK4100-f15. R soulution for S8 is now available at S08. The notes from 24.09.2015 are available at set5.

Week 38 (9/14-9/18): Problems S5, S6 and S7 from supplementary problems in STK3100-f15/STK4100-f15. Exercises  14 and 15 a-c from Exercises in STK3100/4100, Exercise 14 was essentially done in class so the main challenge is to recognize the alternative notation. More details on 14 and 15 can be found here ex_14_15_derivations. The notes from 17.09.2015 are available at set4.

Week 37 (9/7-9/11):  Exercises  8-13 from Exercises in STK3100/4100 .  The data for exercise 12 and 13 are  the data sets beetle and  "Birth" available on the course web page. "Birth" is described in deJ&H page 15. R solution to ex 12 and ex 12 are now available at E12_E13. Full solution of ex 10 including final remarks on non-negativity is available at ex_10_derivations. The notes from 10.09.2015 can be now found at set3.

Week 36 (8/31-9/4): Problem S4 from supplementary problems in STK3100-f15/STK4100-f15. Exercises  3.2 a-b and 3.3 a-c  from  deJong and  Heller. Exercises  5-7 from Exercises in STK3100/4100

Here is a copy of the text of the exercises in deJ&H and the definition of the gamma and inverse gaussian distributions.

The notes from 03.09.2015 are now available at set 2
R Solution to S4 is now available at S4 and the scanned full solution to S4 is now uploaded to S4_derivations, since we didn't manage to go through all (a) - (e) items.


Week  35 (8/24-8/28):  Problems  S1, S2 and S3 from supplementary problems in STK3100-f15/STK4100-f15. Exercise 2 from Exercises in STK3100/STK4100.

You find the data in the file birthweight under "data" to the left on the course webpage.

Solutions to these problems are now available at E02, S01, S02, S03.

Please also see matrix differentiation notes (for those, who have questions in LS method today).

The notes from 27.08.2015 are now available at set 1.

Published Nov. 19, 2015 12:57 PM - Last modified Mar. 15, 2023 12:43 PM