A digital half-hour "tr?sterunde" will be held in Zoom one hour after the start of the exam, that is, at 16:00-16:30. Then, If you have any questions regarding the exam questions (other than how to solve them), you can log in to the Zoom waiting room and I will let you in one by one. A link to the Zoom room will be provided shortly before the exam here, as a message on the semester page. Possible clarifications of ambiguities in the exam text will also be posted in the same message. I will also be available on email during the exam, if you prefer that over Zoom.
Submission of the exam as one PDF
- You may use your preferred tool to generate a single PDF. For instance, you may write on a tablet, use Office Lens to take pictures of hand written notes or write in Word/LaTeX. Some alternatives are described in more detail on the following web page:
- Regardless of which way you choose to generate your submission as a single PDF, it is your responsibility to double check that the PDF is uploaded properly, and is readable after downloading it.
Possibility for reservation of space for the home exam.
Students who do not have a proper place to sit and work during the home exam(s) will have the opportunity to reserve space at Blindern ...
Due to illness, the exercise classes today (19/11) will not take place as announced, but the solutions will be made available shortly.
--English below--
Til deg som skal ha digital hjemmeeksamen ved Matematisk institutt h?sten 2020.
Generelt gjelder f?lgende:
- Eksamenstid er 4 timer. Det gis i tillegg 30 min ekstra tid til scanning og opplasting av PDF.
- Alle hjelpemidler er tillatt (f.eks. l?rebok, nettressurser, matematisk programvare osv.).
- Det er ikke tillatt ? 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录e eller kommunisere med andre under eksamen om oppgavene.
- Man kan trekkes ut til samtale for ? kontrollere eierskap til sin besvarelse. Samtalen har ikke innvirkning p? sensuren/karakteren, men kan lede til at instituttet oppretter fuskesak. Les mer om hva som regnes som fusk p? UiOs nettsider: /om/regelverk/studier/studier-eksamener/fuskesaker/
- For?vrig gjelder informasjonen p? nettsiden om eksamensavvikling ved MN h?sten 2020:
The assignment can be found on Canvas and here.
Submission is through Canvas. Deadline for submission is Thursday November 5th, 2:30PM
Due to illness the exercise classes today will not take place as announced, but the solutions are available.
See the right hand menu. The deadline for delivery is Thursday October 1st, 2:30 pm.
We should now select student representatives for the course, see the following link. The ideal would be to have one representative who regularly attends teaching physically and one who basically follows it on digital platforms. I find this evaluation arrangement very useful for improving on the teaching, so please sign up.
We have added solutions to the exercises for week 36. We will continue doing so the following weeks.
Due to illness the exercise classes today will not take place as announced. The first exercise classes will be Thursday September 3rd with the same exercises as previously given for today.
For the first lecture on Tuesday 18/8 the audiovisual system simply did not work even after a support person showed up. Consequently the lecture was ended after giving some general information.
For the second lecture 19/8 the system worked fine, but unfortunately the recording was done erroneously and so is not available. Slides and R-script from the lecture will appear under Lectures on the course page.
The plan for the future is to make recordings of both lectures and exercises.
Guest students (students that have not signed up for the course) who visits lectures are asked to register at the following site
This is a precaution due to the corona pandemics
The teaching of STK3100/4100 consists of 3 hours of lectures and 2 hours of exercise classes each week. The lectures will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and the exercise classes on Thursdays. Jonas Moss will hold the exercises classes.
In the first week of teaching, August 17th-21st, there are no exercises classes, only lectures on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The plan is to give regular lectures and exercise sessions as much as possible. But in addition the lectures will be recorded as podcasts or perhaps be streamed real time through zoom.
The text book will be the same as last year, Alan Agresti: Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models. Wiley, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-118-73003-4, which is available at the University book store. But a useful additional text is "Generalized Linear Models with examples in R" by Peter Dunn and Gordon Smyth which can be accessed from this link if you are connected to the uio net.