The first mandatory assignment

... will be posted on the course web page in the morning of Thursday 20th of September. You have two weeks to complete the assignment. The deadline is October 4th at 14.30 PM.

Your submission should be your own work and reflect your understanding of the subject, but you are allowed to discuss and collaborate with your fellow students. 

If you are taking the course as STK3405, you may write by hand (but can use LaTex if you want to). If you are taking it as STK4405, you must write in LaTex. 

The assignment is handed in via Devilry. You log in using your UiO username and password. Once logged in, it should be clear how to upload and submit your assignment. Please check that you are able to do this in plenty of time before the deadline. If you have any problems, please contact Kristina, Arne or the administration (

If you are taking the course as STK3405 and choose to write by hand, you must scan your assignment and then upload it to Devilry.

You need to get the assignment approved in order to pass the final exam. If your assignment is not approved on the first attempt, you will get feedback and a new attempt. If you fail the second attempt, you will not be able to take the final exam.

Please note that the deadline is fixed. The Devilry submission closes at October 4th, 14.30 PM. You will not be able to submit your assignment after this. If you get sick or have some other valid reason for needing an extended deadline, please contact the administration ( and they will help you. This must be done before the original deadline.


Publisert 13. sep. 2018 14:44 - Sist endret 13. sep. 2018 14:44