Welcome to STK3405/4405 fall 2023

We wish you all welcome to this year's lectures in the course STK3405/4405. The most recent version of the textbook can be found here. Most of the teaching this year will be given as ordinary lectures in Auditorium 2, Vilhelm Bjerknes Hus. A complete schedule for all the lectures with links to lecture notes and various python scripts can be found here. Note, however, that the first two lectures (August 22 and August 25) will be given in the form of recorded videos (with subtitles). The videos for August 22 can be found here (part 1)here (part 2)here (part 3) and here (part 4). The videos for August 25 can be found here (part 1)here (part 2)here (part 3) and here (part 4)

Publisert 17. aug. 2023 00:05 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2023 00:05