Messages - Page 2
We'll be using the Canvas system for this course, for at least a few things; check that you're able to log in.
(a) Importantly, the *basic course material* will be found there, under "Pensum", with a stk4011_PartOne.pdf placed there Tue Aug 15. This comprises Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Appendix, in 0.90 finished versions, in the book-to-be "Statistical Inference: 666 Exercises, 66 Stories, and Solutions", by Nils Lid Hjort and Emil Stoltenberg. In a few weeks there will be a stk4011_PartTwo.pdf, with perhaps up to 20 of the Statistical Stories from the book-to-be.
(b) Messages will continue to be given here, on the open course site. The Oblig will also be posted here, in time (mid October), but the Canvas system will be used for handing in your reports and grading them (into "ok, with remarks" or "not ok, with remarks").
1. As mentioned in the previous message, teaching takes place Mondays 12:15 - 14:00 (room 126) and Wednesdays 12:15 - 14:00 (room 108), and we start Monday Aug 21.
2. "Emnet kan undervises p? norsk dersom foreleser og alle studenter p? f?rste forelesning ?nsker det", from the general information, determines the algorithm for norsk eller engelsk. But even if teaching is p? norsk, messages here, and inside the Canvas system for the course, will be in English.
3. As also mentioned, the course material will be culled from a not-yet-finished book, "Statistical Inference: 555 Exercises, 55 Stories" (Cambridge University Press, 2024), by Nils Lid Hjort and Emil Stoltenberg. I will have a stk4011-PartOne.pdf ready, to be posted inside Canvas, a week before the first lecture, consisting of 0.90-or-more finished versions of Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
4. A few weeks later, I will have a stk4011-PartTwo.pdf posted, consisting of 0.90-...
The stk4011 course will be taught Mondays (Undervisninsrom 126) and Wednesdays (Undervisningsrom 108), 12:15 to 14:00. We start Monday August 21.
The teaching material will be a partial and preliminary version of a book-to-be, "Statistical Inference: 555 Exercises and 55 Stories" (Cambridge University Press), by Nils Lid Hjort and Emil Aas Stoltenberg. A pdf will be made available in early August, essentially consisting of that book-to-be's Chapters 1-8 plus about 25 of the Statistical Stories. These stories are based on real data and with real questions and themes, illustrating concepts, methods, algorithms, interpretations, from the chapters included. All exercises and all stories we go through are part of the active curriculum.