course material, stk4011-PartOne is ready
I tried to make stk4011_PartOne.pdf available inside the Canvas system, under "Pensum", but it apparently too complicated for the system to give the students access to that file there. Hence I've placed that pdf directly on the course website, under "Exercises & course material".
(a) The file, which should be easily accessible & downloadable for all of you know, might be taken away later, since our publisher of the book-to-be doesn't like it. So take your copy.
(b) There will be a similar stk4011_PartTwo-pdf in a few weeks.
(c) In a little while there will be *datasets* , placed under, surprise, "Datasets", for us to work with.
Published Aug. 17, 2023 6:08 PM
- Last modified Aug. 17, 2023 6:08 PM